Monday, 23 November 2009

Why Bedfordshire isn't on the map

I understand that Frankie Boyle's final tour will be between March and December 2010.

Talk about things you wanna see before you die.

I am a massive fan of Frankie Boyle - a British comedian to the uninformed - and have been for some time, and I am absolutely determined to go and see one of his gigs before he hangs up the mike.

I mean, you have to have a bit of metal about you to get a gig on Grand Theft Auto, don't you?

The only problem is, in Bedfordshire, we live in some kind of cultural timewarp.

It never seems to matter what the gig is or who the band are, their tour bus never comes anywhere close.

Our closest gig almost always is Central London - some 40 miles away - followed closely by Leicester and such like. If any tour promoters are reading this - which is highly likely of course - there is a considerable market in the Bedfordshire region that you are missing out on.

The trouble is, though, we lack a sizeable, enclosed concert venue in the immediate area.

Milton Keynes is expanding like a leviathan on our doorstep and is predicted to double in size over the next decade or so, so it should, I would hope, encompass some kind of decent enclosed venue for such events.

Until then, we will have to make the pilgrimage to London each and every time we want to see the best bands & comedians in the flesh.

But I tell you, I would happily fork out the train fare and more just to get my bum on a seat to see Mr Boyle at work.

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