Saturday, 21 November 2009

Potty training results are in

Ben's toiletry habits seem to have gone full circle today.

He's gone from leaving turds on the floor first thing this morning to running to the potty twice without prompting this afternoon/evening and doing his business in there. What a difference a day makes.

It did get quite perilous at one stage.

Ben was sitting on his potty and Ciaran was plonked right in front of him watching him gormlessly, the way 6-month-olds do, when all of a sudden a jet of pee shot past Ciaran's ear, only for Ben to instantly take control of the situation and guide it in.

I don't think Ciaran appreciated just how close he came from getting soaked. A matter of millimetres I'd say. Hats off to Ben though for reaction speed and understanding.

So, the verdict of the potty jury is in.

Ben has made significant progress in his potty training today - thank goodness - and it shouldn't be too long before hygiene standards in our living room soon resemble those we have come to expect and enjoy in the developed world.

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1 comment:

  1. I like your potty. Where did you get it from?
